Lately i've been seriously loving Estee from essiebutton's blog and youtube videos (new girl crush? I think so!) and everybody knows I love a bit of DIY now and then so when I saw she had created a DIY footscrub, there was no question about it, I had to give it a go!
You can check out the blogpost she wrote on it HERE but i'm gonna make my own post, just because I can. The "recipe" is as follows;
You Will Need:
- Rock Sea Salt (just fill your jar and that will be perfect)
- Half a lemon
- Lemon zest (tablespoon)
- Almond oil(about 1/2 cup- 1 cup)
- Peppermint oil (couple of drops will do the trick!)
- Jar (or jars, whatever floats your boat)
- Bowl
- Spoon/spatula (just something to mix it with. You can use your hands if you wish it)
- Ribbon (optional)
- Measure your jar full of rock salt and pour it into the bowl
- Squeeze in the juices of half a lemon
- Add in the lemon zest
- Pour in almond oil (put in as much or as little as you want, it's totally up to you. Just make sure it has the consistency of a scrub and has a scrub-y feel to it if ya know what I mean)
- Drop in about 3-4 drops of peppermint oil
- Mix!
- Scrape into your jar
- Tie bow around the jar (if you're into that sort of thing)
- Voila!
See! Easy! Essie also did a video tutorial type of thing on it too so i'll link that HERE as well so you can pop over and give that a watch too. I love this because not only is it super easy to make but it's fun too and they make great gifts. I actually made one for my friend Rosie who is really unwell at the moment and could really use a cute little pick me up in foot scrub form! (Hi chummy if you're reading, I love you loads. Feel better soon <3)
Pop on over later for my 30 Day Snap #5 picture! See you then!
Pip pip!
Alex xx
p.s. Make sure you mix it up a bit before you actually use it, the almond oil tends to sink to the bottom xx
Oh, might have to try this! X